Men and masculinities in the culture of teaching: an option for the possible, a place to shine (São Paulo, 1950-1989). / Homens e masculinidades na cultura do magistério: uma escolha pelo possível, um lugar para brilhar (São Paulo, 1950 - 1989).




With the purpose of investigating the participation of men in the construction of school culture and, in particular, of the culture of teaching, the present study analyzes the experiences of a group of male teachers that made their careers in the public education system of the State of São Paulo. The chosen time span situates the research between the 1950s and the 1980s: a peculiar historical moment at which the nation was undergoing a series of political, economic, and ideological changes. In the field of education, these decades comprised two distinct periods - before and after the promulgation of Act 5692/71 -, but their joint investigation has afforded a better understanding of the processes of change that brought about new configurations to the teaching profession and work, especially since the 1970s, when a teaching reform introduced the system of 1st and 2nd degrees. The successive modifications that took place in the organization of the education system affected the teaching career and profession, and the processes of change that occurred therein put some of the dynamics of school culture in turmoil. The culture of teaching, in particular, revived disputes between new and old representations, exposing the social imaginary and the hierarchies that started then to (re)order the relations within this profession. This work thus focuses on the participation of men, and on the role they played in such dynamics, with special attention to those men that oriented themselves toward administrative posts. By investigating the participation of these professionals in the formation of the culture of teaching, we have considered that even after the approval of the above-mentioned reform in 1971, when men became a relatively small group compared to that of women, those that did remain in the teaching profession, especially in the administrative career, eventually exercised significant power, as a result of prerogatives acquired in the context of gender relations, in which certain values of masculinity still count as advantages over those of femininity. Research procedures adopted have included questionnaires, interviews, and analysis of documents and legislation of the period. The lines of analysis were defined from the main concepts employed in the work: habitus; symbolic field and capital; social representations and appropriations; school culture; gender and masculinities. These have been taken from the works of Pierre Bourdieu, Roger Chartier, Joan Scott, and Robert Connell, amongst others. The analyses developed revealed that some of the legal determinations imposed during that period provoked large changes in schools and to the teaching system itself, giving rise to a different school culture, in which time, space, and even the very subjects of education - pupils, teachers, administrative staff - did not remain the same. The transformations that occurred originated in this group of teaching professionals conflicts, new interactions and new tactics to live the profession. There is, therefore, a whole series of facts that have left a new mark on the way men work at and experience teaching, and also in the representations they made, and still make, about their professional identity.


history of teaching história do magistério men representations homens masculinities masculinidades relações de gênero cultura escolar representações school culture gender relations

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