memories of someone: the construction of memories about the holiness of John the rocks / Lembranças de Alguém: a construção das memórias sobre João das Pedras




Memories of One: the construction of memories about the holiness of John the stones is a survey that aims to study the forms, gestures, narratives, short, popular practices that relate to the life, death and devotion to John the Stones a thief who nearly died on April 04, 1978 in São Benedito, Ceará. This is not a biography. Looking across the life and death of John does not follow a chronological order of events: from life to death and from death to life. Busco, the practices of devotion that which gives meaning to the past of John I investigate in the present, which alludes to the past, (re) meaning it. To understand the cult of John the Stones had to have a close relationship with the respondents to death, dead, dreams, promises and devotions with the cemetery, with the visible and invisible world. A study made possible by the interviews, the ex-votos, the markings of intent masses collected


corpos body igreja católica - são benedito (ce) ladrões - são benedito (ce) - biografia historia são benedito (ce) - usos e costumes religiosos faith memórias memories religiosidade promises promessas joão das pedras, -1978

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