Memorias do Visconde de Sabugosa / Memories of Visconde de Sabugosa




This research analyzes and keeps track on the character Visconde de Sabugosa in the work of José Bento Monteiro Lobato (1882-1948) as a representation of the man of science. The 22 volumes of the Sítio do Picapau Amarelo piece of work were written and published between 1920 and 1944, and belong to the collection Obras Completas de Monteiro Lobato – the 2nd series was published in 1957 by Editora Brasiliense. The books had been edited in 17 tomes, some of them reproduced the original volumes and others condensed more than one volume. Visconde de Sabugosa is present in most of the stories and the investigation of this character discloses his varied features, as well as the movement of science in the Sítio do Picapau Amarelo. As this piece of work is been studied, it is possible to establish relationships between many of the author’s scientific conceptions and the construction of the character, which reflect the historical context in the literary creation of Lobato.


education ciencia social representation science educação representação social

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