Memorias do guerreiro, sonhos de atleta : jogos tradicionas e esporte entre jovens kadiweu




The goal of this research is the study of games and sports among the Kadiwéu youth. Specially this reseach intends to conribute in better understanding of the transition phase in that meet indians Kadiwéu, whese moviment is of re-significance and of-significance. That study is based in theories of the area of Physical Education, of Anthropology and Language/Analysys of Discourse. The corporal culture is based in authors that elaborated analyses and reflections on traditional games and sport, looking for answers for the following questions: which games, sports and organization forms have been practiced among the Aldeia Bodoquena s Kadiwéu? Which sports were developed from the contact relationship with the urban society? The work was developed through procedures etnographies, with the insertions of the researcher in the daily life of the group for different periods. The research sources were bibliographical and oral informations. The study was accomplished with two types of texts: written and report. The anthropological method was the participative observations and interviw. The informations was analysed under the optics of the Analysis of Discourse. My reading, my way of listening, they were sustained by the analytic device of interpretation in order to establish a mediation. The contact relationships, are sinuous, symbolic, which leave the Kadiwéu groups, per times, with its mythological memory without conditions and without interpretation space, they tends to accept the other culture in the way that comes. For these considerations, in this study, my option was the one ofplacing my knowledge to service of the group, to understand and to attribute to the scientific research the political paper of coming back to the practice, making a movement to the opposite, that is to say, elaborating questions to help the better understanding the games and the sport to the Kadiwéu group


analise do discurso indios da america do sul - vida e costumes sociais esportes jogos antropologia indios da america do sul - brasil

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