Meios místicos de reprodução social: arte e estilo na cerâmica funerária da Amazônia Antiga / Mystical means of social reproduction: art and style in the funerary ceramics of ancient Amazonia




This dissertation proposes a focus on the art and style of archeological funerary vessels from Amazonia to improve understanding of patterns of social organization and pre-colonial change in the human occupation of the region. Drawing from concepts about style and agency in social anthropology and the anthropology of art, we analyze objects in funerary rituals as mediators and transformers of social relations. An exploratory incursion into the ethnology of funerary rituals, especially the implications of Amerindian perspectivist conceptions of humanity, ancestry, death and soul in Amazonia, and a summary comparative panorama of the stylistic variation of anthropomorphic urns from different archaeological ceramic traditions and phases, we propose some comparative parameters for correlations between funerary styles and forms of social reproduction. These parameters are then examined for the particular case of funerary vessels from the Marajoara phase. We conclude that ritual ceramics, especially funerary ceramics, presents an enormous analytical potential for resolving epistemological incongruences that have appeared in Amazonian archaeology and ethnology, notably that of different principles of social organization in the past and present.


death archaeology arqueologia da amazônia arqueologia da morte estilo e arqueologia arte e arqueologia style and archaeology art and archaeology funerary rituals rituais funerários amazonian archaeology

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