MeditaÃÃo AutobiogrÃfica Sobre A Arte De Viver De Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: Aventura, FormaÃÃo, Sabedoria E Espiritualidade / Autobiographical Meditation About The Art Of Living Of Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: Adventure, Training, Wisdom And Spirituality


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




This is an autobiographical research, which was originated in the search for my inner self at a moment of personal and professional crisis. I perform an academic adventure experiencing new ways of autobiographical construction. My experiences in the Art of Living of Sri Sri Ravi Shankar â a yoga training program, experiential, of self-knowledge, of the potential and spiritualization development â constitute the core-narrative of this research. Living, narrating and reflecting about my attitude towards life are the basis on which rests this self-formation experience, in which the subject and researcher is united in a self-reflexive process. The general objective of this study was experiencing the trainer potential of the autobiographical research as self-formation and self-knowledge. I have sought to interpret and understand the senses/meanings of these experiences in the physical, energy, mental, emotional and spiritual levels, in the realm of my life and building my identity; take awareness of the changes arising in my life and of the resulting design; and yet, discover and understand the Hindu cultural universe implicit in the education/training proposal for adults in the Art of Living. Aiming to contribute in reinventing the multi-shape practices that compose the biographical method, I created an innovative methodology that called autobiographical meditation that consists of a method to access the founding experiences and/or training based on the spiritual practices of the Art of Living (asanas, pranayamas, sudarshan kryia and meditation). After these practices, in a meditative state of calm and tranquility, the flow of thoughts is observed and transcribed to the paper without judgment or rationalization. The final narrative is structured in three central chapters. In the second chapter, I narrate an unforgettable trip to India where I lived a deep experience of inner peace, I plunged into the Hindu culture and Yoga, I experienced moments of pure spirituality and find the essence of the Self: existence, consciousness and happiness. In the following chapter I say how this spiritual adventure was started, my first contact with the stress control program through breathing and the Sudarshan Kriya and how the changes began to take place at all levels of my physical, energetic, mental, emotional and spiritual existence. The fourth chapter is dedicated to understand the expansion of my conscience, the obstacles that have made present and the profound changes that have spread to various areas of my life: personal, social and professional. In the last chapter I discuss about how living and acting in the world according to a spiritual ethics can become a teaching purpose for the Self, by the Self and through the Self. The autobiographical meditation was a way of great self-formation potential. In addition to facilitating the writing, it leads into a dive in the history of life itself, which is seen, felt, under the light of a more pure conscience, under the light of super-consciousness; it is a way of improving meditation. Narrating and reflecting on the experiences consisted of moments to recover the ownership of my own story, the story of my life, of my design as a person and as a professional. The writing process stimulated overcoming personal limits regarding low selfesteem, negativity, difficulties of writing and self-discipline; providing a higher understanding about my formative and personal history, and the emergence of a new identity and integration of the various parties of my Self.


autoformaÃÃo ciencias humanas meditaÃÃo autobiogrÃfica espiritualidade yoga autobiographical meditation self-formation spirituality yoga barontini, lÃcia rejane de araÃjo,1959- memÃria autobiogrÃfica professoras â fortaleza (ce) â biografia biografia â metodologia educaÃÃo â mÃtodos biogrÃficos shankar,ravi,sri sri,1956- ioga espiritualidade Ãndia â usos e costumes

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