Medida cautelar e a efetividade do controle abstrato de constitucionalidade no Brasil




The work approaches the issues related to urgency injunctions on the constitutional judicial review, specially those related to its process, as well as to its doctrine, precedents and legal treatment. Initially, it focuses on the brazilian constitutional jurisdiction, framework on which the constitutional judicial review is inserted, and it intends to analyze the juridical nature and effects caused by anticipation of effects of jurisdictional injunctions on legal proceeding. Study supported on juridical doctrine and precedents related to lawsuits on which seems feasible the employ of urgency injunctions, such as the generic direct action of unconstitutionality and the claim of violation of fundamental rule of law


constitutional judicial review - brazil law constitutional - brazil dissertações urgency injunction direito dissertation tutela jurisdicional direito constitucional - brasil controle da constitucionalidade - brasil

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