Media and Temporalities: the theft of the present and the collective construction of the future in the eletroelectronic communication. / Mídia e temporalidade. O roubo e a contrução coletiva do futuro na comunicação eletroeletrônica




The Industrial Revolution reinaugurated the concept of everyday life as we understand today. Before, the measure of social time was established by common peoples experience, which means time labeling was produced mainly by the observation of rhythm of nature, as cycles and periodization endured by a living body. With the advent of electricity, the dynamo impelled devices and sped up social time on a scale without precedent in human history. The operational warranty of this social synchronization was leveraged by the tertiary media, that is, by the electroelectronic communicative mediation supports. The natural rhythms stopped guiding the social time. The industrial organization of the time got the clocks numerical precision which synchronized the machines time. The new symbolic systems based on electricity power taught to accept and to live with objective times, casting forward the life time, psychological and biological, in the machines time. The time became the image of a deterministic logic created by Cartesian science, unable to notice that speed does not permit to understand the times passage as something in transit, features felt just by human senses. There were created communicative machines that vectorized the time and, owing to the belief in abstraction generated by speed, changed the social time into a sort of atemporal reference, a nontime. The electroelectronic media inaugurate net audience and the Internet represents the locus of observation of a kind of temporality that maintains the informative flows attached to the congealed time of the archaic structure of human culture, as the utopias time or eternal return.


social syncronization temporalidades comunicacao temporalities mídia digital redes de informação sincronização social mídia eletroeletrônica eletroelectronic media information network

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