Medalhistas de ouro nas Paraolimpiadas de Atenas 2004 : reflexões de suas trajetorias no desporto adaptado / Gold medal paralympic in the Athens 2004 : reflections of their careers in adapted sport




Discuss the possibilities of the sport practiced by people in conditions of deficiency are numerous: income in front of possibilities combined with the systematization of proposals through Sport, the earnings for adjustments and methodological innovations, the adequacy of equipment, educational opportunities, resources technology as a way to maximize the possibilities, the endless possibilities mediated by the different methods of assessments. In this context the perception of gains to sport is present in health, social, and political aspects than the growth of people from the expansion of participation in society. This work is justified by the personal involvement of the researcher, for contribution to the field of Adapted Physical Education and the person on condition of disability. The objective was to investigate the features during the course of athletes from skateboarding gold in Athens 2004 and the perceptions about the success of the individuals involved: eighteen athletes were able to visually and physically, and two non-disabled athletes, in terms of judo , of five football, swimming and athletics. Thus, a type of qualitative research case study describing their technique for data collection using the semi-structured in its successful implementation of 100% of the sample in six Brazilian states, namely: Paraná, Santa Catarina, Recife, São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro and Minas Gerais. Using the Content Analysis as a way of analyzing the texts seen through the clippings of interviews in the categories: I. The trajectory of the athletes in the school segment, II. The participation of athletes in the classes of Physical Education School, III. The involvement with the sport adapted, IV. The gaze of the media, V. The family support, VI. The importance of financial support and VII. Possible contributions to the sport adapted. Thus, we conclude that the sport by people in terms of disability has gained its start, in most, within a context of (re) construction of life, or become stable after the changes in levels of disability resulting from organic and / or psychological. It is now appropriate that the sport gained importance in the lives of these people, with the achievement of security, the restoration of self-esteem, the expansion of opportunities and perceptions of potential, whether in the social field in organic benefits in family benefits, in social benefits and financial benefits.


jogos paraolimpicos - atenas (grecia) esportes - atenas (grecia) paraolimpic games educação fisica sports adapted sport esporte adaptado physical education

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