Mecanismos de financiamento público à exportação : estudo sobre o acesso das empresas cearenses ao crédito




This work approaches one of the most prominent aspects of the internationalization process and development of exportation: mechanisms of exportation financing. This paper analyses the performance of two brazilian programs of export promotion based on public resources: the fiancing Export program-PROEX and the BNDES-Exim. Based on an extensive bibliographical research, it was made an analysis of the insertion of Brazil and the State of Ceara in global market, focused on brazilian exportation support mechanism, particularly since 1997: a description of the main mechanisms of exportation financing and the most used international payments modalities. Provided that in Brazil, the penetration of these mechanisms of exportation financing in the lineup of exportation remained stagnated, during the 90s, Blumenschein (2002) carried out an analysis of the performance and the segmentation of exportation system credit, where the possible causes were investigated. Starting from the premises of that study, the present research was based on the following hypothesis: a) mechanisms of exportation financing used by Cearas companies are small, it compared to the State total amount of exportation; b) Cearas bussines men are not aware of most financing mechanism available for exportation. For such reason, methodology used was contemplated with an analysis of secondary data, refering to the performance of the most used mechanisms of exportation financing by export companies from Ceara, during 2000-2006, period obtained from Banco do Brasil S/A and Banco do Desenvolvimento Economico e Social (BNDES) and a survey including the application of questionnaire with 11 questions at 52 export companies from Ceara, selected among the universe of 260 companies registered at the Ministry of Development, Industry and International Trade (MDIC, 2006), among a list of exporters. The results confirm the hypothesis above and show us that there is a great difficult related to the consolidation and systematization of credit records, concerning on support of exportation in Brazil.


comÉrcio exterior - dissertaÇÕes ciências sociais aplicadas crÉdito para exportaÇÃo - dissertaÇÕes exportaÇÃo - dissertaÇÕes

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