Mécanismes de convergence des intérêts dans les négociations internationales sur lenvironnement : une comparaison entre négociations sur la protection des forêts et celles sur le climat.




The thesis aims at analysing the mechanisms underlying the representation of countries interests and also their participation in the international environmental negotiations, namely in a North South negotiation context. In the first part of the thesis, two theoretical frameworks are employed, in order to clarify the engagement of countries in these negotiations, the game theory and the theory of international regimes. The presented comparative analysis of these two theories has allowed to demonstrate the complementary character to understand the behaviour of countries in negotiations. This analysis has also allowed to demonstrate that these theories do not suffice to explain the cooperative behaviour of countries. In the second part of the thesis two case studies of international environmental negotiations are presented. The first case study is about the different negotiations revolving around the idea of coordinated international action for forest protection. The second case study is the negotiations on climate change and the related issue of taking into account of carbon sinks. For these two negotiations the analysed period is from 1992 Conference in Rio to the 1997 Conference in Kyoto. The comparative analysis between the two case studies has allowed to find that these two negotiation process are linked in their course. They underline the dynamics that play in the negotiation process itself and more precisely the role of the available time for negotiation and available resources of delegations, which are not taken into account by these two theories. The third part of the thesis, explaining the rules and specific procedures for a process of multilateral environmental negotiation discusses some essential elements allowing countries to better represent their interests in the negotiations. The negotiation process itself plays a role to achieve a successful agreement.


contexto norte-sul théorie des jeux négociation internationale environnementale negotiation process théorie des régimes economia dos recursos naturais contexte nord/sud climate change protection des forêts forest protection política ambiental - aspectos econômicos international environmental negotiations florestas - proteção regime theory processus de négociation meio ambiente - negociações internacionais changement climatique game theory north south context

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