Measurement of nucleotide release kinetics in single skeletal muscle myofibrils during isometric and isovelocity contractions using fluorescence microscopy.


Rabbit psoas muscle myofibrils, in the presence of the fluorescent nucleotide analog 2'(3')-O-[N-[2-[[Cy3]amido]ethyl]carbamoyl]-adenosine 5' triphosphate (Cy3-EDA-ATP), showed selective fluorescence staining of the A-band with a reduced fluorescence at the M-line. Addition of Cy3-EDA-ATP to a myofibril in the presence of Ca2+ caused auxotonic shortening against a compliant glass microneedle. These results indicate that Cy3-EDA-ATP is a substrate for myosin in the myofibril system. The kinetics of nucleotide release from a single myofibril, held isometrically between two needles, were measured by the displacement of prebound Cy3-EDA-ATP on flash photolysis of caged ATP. The A-band fluorescence of the myofibril decayed exponentially with a rate constant of 0.3 s(-1) at 8 degrees C, an order of magnitude faster than that for isolated thick filaments in the absence of actin. When a myofibril was imposed to shorten with a constant velocity by a piezoelectric actuator, the nucleotide displacement rate constant initially increased to 0.7 s(-1) with increasing shortening velocity and then declined with a further increase in shortening velocity. These results demonstrate that the displacement rates of Cy3-EDA-nucleotides bound to the cross-bridges in the contracting myofibril reflect a process that shows strain dependence.

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