Meaning construction about the care of severe mental disorder individuals by a family health team in the city of Araraquara - SP. / Os sentidos construídos acerca do cuidado ao portador de transtorno mental grave por uma equipe de saúde da família na cidade de Araraquara - SP




The process of transformation of the actions in the field of the mental health in Brazil has been configuring as a great challenge. The multiple meanings of the madness, the concepts of health-disea se, the models of organization of the net of health, the distribution of resources, the professionalspreparation for the new technical and political project, they determine attitudes, and they drive deci sions in the therapeutic process in men tal health. The Psychiatric Reform made possible the construction of new devi ces for the care of the patient, as the implantation of the Psychosocial atten tion center (CAPS), as well as implan tation of the of the Family Health strate gy, proposed the reorganization of the care to the health. These two devices should become complete in an articulate net under the coordinated care, huma nized, patient-centered, not being enough the mere physical change of the places of the practices. It is assumed that is necessary to leave of the rigid foundations for the flexibilities, of the isolated professional specialty for the knowledge exchanged. In that recons truction of relationships, the workersspeeches are of fundamental value and the social constructionism offers con ditions to know the way as the people develop and how they build and felt the accomplish their practices. Objective: This study aim to understand how the members of a Health Family program team think of the inclusion of the care in mental health, in primary health care. Method: A session of focal group with a team of the family health program in the city of Araraquara (SP) was audio-recorded. For analysis of the data, social construcionism was used as theoretical-methodological referencial. The group session was transcribed and close to the field diary, they constituted the base of data. A map of association of ideas was built based on the transcription of the focal group, being used analysis categories and thematic axes. Results: The analysis described senses concerning the notions that it is sustaining the care practices to the bearer of mental upset in a team of health of the family. It was verified that the multiplicity of senses facilitate the denaturalization of fixed speeches on the mental patient care. Final considerations: The team new senses can transform the possibilities of care of those who were excluded of the services of health and the social world.


social constructionism saúde mental family health program construcionismo social primary health care atenção primária à saúde mental health reforma psiquiátrica estratégia de saúde da família psychiatric reformation

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