MÃtodos de sincronizaÃÃo de conversores em sistemas de geraÃÃo distribuÃda / Converter synchronization methods for distributed generators systems




The use of frequency converters DC/AC to integrate renewable energy as distributed generation is becoming more common. In such applications, the synchronization with the voltage vector is fundamental to control the converters, particularly considering the new requirements on Low Voltage Ride Through demanded from the distributed generation. This work proposes a new synchronization method applied to frequency converters that is immune to anomalous grid conditions. Four other synchronization methods found in literature are presented with emphasis on their capacity to respond correctly to voltage unbalance and harmonic distortion. The experimental results are also presented, in which the new method cancelled the influence of the distorted and unbalanced voltages in the phase angle estimation for the grid voltage vector. As an example, the proposed method is then modelled as applied to a wind turbine frequency converter. Two strategy of grid side converter current control are modelled in order to verify the immunity regardless of current control used. Voltage dips in point of common coupling are simulated and the results showed that using the method the turbine remained stable.


distributed generation synchronization methods mÃtodos de sincronizaÃÃo phase locked loop phase locked loop engenharia eletrica power electronics eletrÃnica de potÃncia geraÃÃo distribuÃda engenharia elÃtrica

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