Mathematical and thermodynamical modeling of solid-liquid equilibrium of fatty systems / Modelagem matematica e termodinamica do equilibrio solido-liquido de sistemas graxos




The propose of this work was to carry through the mathematical and thermodynamical modeling of the solid-Iiquid equilibrium of systems consisting of fatty acids and triglycerides. The importance of this study is related to the fact that substances are the main constituent of oils and fats, which possess great application in several areas of the food, pharmaceutical and chemical industries. The main characteristic of solid-liquid equilibrium of the fatty systems is the possibility of formation of a compound in the solid phase, identified for the presence of the peritetic point in the equilibrium curve. Of ownership of this information models had been used that allowed to represent the formation of this compound. For the fatty systems where it does not have formation of compound in the solid phase had been used the models derived from the traditional treatment of the solid-liquid equilibrium and also the methodology of COUTINHO and RUFFIER-MERAY (1998), which allows the attainment of phases diagrams from few gotten experimental measures through the DSC. Already for the cases where it has formation of composition in the solid phase was applied the SLAUGHTER and DOHERTY (1995) methodology, which deals with the formation composition as a chemical reaction, and also was developed a new model that represents the formation of the composition as a polymorphic transition suffered for one from the components in the mixture... Note: The complete abstract is available with the full electronic digital thesis or dissertations


modelagem de dados satty acids oils and fats data modeling acidos graxos equilibrio solido-liquido solid-liquid equilibrium oleos e gorduras thermodynamics termodinamica

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