Materiais não convencionais na construção civil : presente, passado e futuro no processo de conhecimento dos assentados de Mogi Mirim-SP / Non conventional materials in the civil construction : present, passed and future in the discovery process of the settlers from Mogi Mirim-SP


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




Many conflicts and different interests appear as processes in the creation of an agrarian reform settlement, leaving in the background the house establishment for the settled family. In addition, the agricultural improvements are an important factor for the family reproduction but they may not be consolidated until the family acquires enough income for their construction. Therefore, the autonomy in construction is characterized by instability and dependence. In the case of the family farming, this autonomy of building with their own resource will be in the traditions and in the use of local materials found in nature. Thereby, the purpose of this study is identify the main barriers and potentials of the families from "12 de Outubro" Settlement (Vergel Garden) in Mogi Mirim, Sao Paulo state, to acquire their houses and other improvements within their paddocks. Analysing the relationship between this and the families autonomy in the use and knowledge of unconventional materials for construction. For this, the research covered 90 paddocks presents in the settlement through the application of semi-structured questionnaires, guiding them in the search for knowledge about these materials and construction techniques and about the process to conquest of their houses and the improvements on the paddocks, based on their difficulties, satisfactions and present and future needs. The interviews were used to detail the knowledge about the materials and presents techniques to get deepen on critical or divergent issues observed in the questionnaire data. The Mogi Mirim s settlers have a cultural richness about the popular Brazilian architecture. The autonomy to build was present in their lives until other needs and limits came as requirements, causing a rupture in the family farmers tradition. As a consequence, the dependence on resources to build on the paddocks were consolidated. This potentiality will be on increasing agricultural production and safe ways of selling their products as well as the strengthening of local knowledge. The academy shows necessary to intensify the processes that standardise these techniques, with the participation of these subjects on the building of a new knowledge.


agricultura familiar construções rurais habitação assentamentos rurais materiais de construção family farmer rural constructions housing rural settlements building materials

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