Materiais mesoporosos ordenados aplicados como sistemas para liberação controlada de drogas / Ordered mesoporous materials applied as drug delivery systems




In the last decade, progress in the development of nanosized hybrid therapeutics and drug delivery systems has been remarkable. Mesoporous materials such as SBA-15 and MCM-41 have been considered very promising materials for hosting and further delivery of biological agents within silica samples and for controlling their release kinetics from the matrix due to their well arranged structure and pores of well-defined size in the 2-50 nm nanoscale range. In this work, the characteristics of MCM-41 and SBA-15 prepared in different temperatures and the behavior of these systems regarding to microencapsulation of a model drug were investigated. The samples were characterized by XRD, FTIR, TEM, and N2 adsorption techniques. Atenolol was used as a model drug to study the kinetics of drug delivery. XRD results and TEM images showed an well-ordered mesopore structure, suggesting that the structure of samples can be described as a honeycomb of hexagonal mesopores separated by continuous silica walls. This structure is the result of hexagonal packing on unidimensional cylindrical pores. The presence of the drug on the mesopore walls was confirmed by FTIR. The N2 adsorption experiments showed that the SBA-15 materials posses an average pore size varying from 5.2 nm to 7.1 nm as a function of the synthesis temperature. A type IV adsorption isotherm was obtained, which is associated with the presence of mesopores. The adsorption of the drug in different materials leads to a decrease in the surface area and pore volume. It was concluded that the structural characteristics can be controlled by changing the synthesis temperature. Higher temperatures resulted in larger pore size and in thinner silica walls varying from 5.86 to 4.95 nm. The presence of microporosity was verified for the aged samples at low temperature. The release of atenolol from different matrices was carried out in vitro and the results were analyzed according to the kinetic model of Higuchi. The influence of the pore architecture and size, the pressure to form the disks and the surface modification of the device on the release kinetics of the atenolol was studied.


materiais porosos sílica materials drogas difração de raio-x silica biomateriais e materiais biocompativeis porous materials materiais drugs x-ray diffraction

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