Masseter muscle atrophy following disinsertion and marginal osteomy at the mandibula : morphological, histological and ultrasonographical comparison in rabbits / Atrofia do musculo masseter apos desinserção e osteotomia segmentar da mandibula : comparação morfologia, histologica e ultrasonografica em coelhos




Masseteric hypertrophy is an uncommom benign condition that occurs either unilaterally or bilaterally. Many patients have history of bruxism or jaw clenching when under emotional stress. They can have contibuiting problems such as mild malocclusion, missing dentition on the side opposite the muscle enlargement in unilateral cases, or functional temporomandibular joint disorders. Symptoms are unusual but may include mild facial discomfort or complaints referable to an occlusal disharmony. It is most probably a congenital, genetically determined anomaly. The diagnosis of this anomaly is established clinically and radiologically, and it is usually very easy. The condition is treated conservatively or surgically. Diagnostic imaging techniques allow direct, accurate measurement of muscle thickness. We used ultrasound , morphologically and histological methods to measure masseter muscle atrophy between the two sides in masseter muscle of two groups from 30 New Zealand rabbits, submitted to a surgical operation. In one group (D), the masseter muscle, in the lateral mandible angle area was detached with a periosteal elevator trough the posterior edge of the muscle. The other group (O)was submitted to a marginal masseter angle resection.. The muscle was usually not resected . Atrophy results were achieved. New surgical treatment is described, and the pertinent literature summarized


hypertrophy hipertrofia mandibula musculo masseter masseter muscle mandible hyperostosis hiperostose

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