Marketing, estratégia competitiva e viabilidade econômica para produtos com certificação de cadeia de custódia na indústria moveleira / Marketing, competitive strategy and economic feasibility for products with a chain of custody certification in the furniture industry


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




The study of traditional models in the areas of consumer behavior, marketing management, strategy and competitive advantage provides evidence for the inclusion of the variable "environment" in business affairs. An adaptation of these traditional Administrative models, for the understanding of environmental issues, coupled with a discussion surrounding the importance of environmental certifications, including forests, as a marker of the "environmental quality" of products, points to a new path for businesses to travel: the search for differential green, or in other words, strategies related to the variable "environment" and which provide companies an advantage over their competitors. Therefore, this study aimed to evaluate the marketing, competitive strategy and economic viability of products with a chain of custody certification, specifically in the furniture industry. It was found that a forest certification has offered forest-based companies the opportunity to differentiate their product. However, the search for such certification should be a strategic choice of companies aiming to produce economic results.The furniture industry, a major forest sector can help in the certification development in the country. To assist the business in relation to the implementation process of the chain of custody certification a "guide" was developed, the result of advice given to a furniture company in order to obtain this certification. Also, the costs involved in the entire certification process, identifying its economic viability were found. It was found that obtaining the chain of custody certification is a relatively simple and feasible feat for a medium-size company and costs, in most cases, which can be internalized by the company. Forest certification should be part of the company s competitive strategy, and by doing so, it should be able to show its customers the environmental quality of its products. Thus, it becomes essential for the company to use a good marketing strategy to highlight the value being offered to consumers.


selo verde marketing ambiental certificação florestal manejo florestal forest certification environmental marketing green seal

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