Marcadores de identidades coletivas no contexto funerÃrio prÃhistÃrico no Nordeste do Brasil




The notion of identity has been the subject of investigation of several areas within humanities and social sciences; however, research on this matter is scarce in archaeology. In Brazil, this concept has been applied to studies on prehistoric graphic records, and prehistoric and historic pottery. In this research, I aim at identifying traits or markers of represented collective identities in funerary structures of prehistoric sites localised in the Northeast region of Brazil: Furna do Estrago (state of Pernambuco), Pedra do Alexandre (state of Rio Grande do Norte), Toca da Baixa dos Caboclos (state of PiauÃ), Toca do Serrote do Tenente Luiz (state of PiauÃ), Justino (state of Sergipe) and SÃo Josà II (state of Alagoas). Prehistoric funerary structures concentrate in their interior biological matter and elements of the material culture that are regarded as markers of collective identities. These, as a result, would be represented, albeit partially, in the entire set of elements that comprises the funerary structure, and are liable to be analysed according to the degree of conservation of the funerary vestiges. In operational terms, the research was developed through a survey of data relating to the burials, and the analysis of biological and cultural data coming from three hundred and forty five individuals. As a result, identity markers related to the material culture, body position and age of individuals were recognised


identidade prehistoric funerary structures estruturas funerÃrias nordeste northeast brazil sÃtios arqueolÃgicos arqueologia arqueologia prehistory prÃ-histÃria â brasil identities

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