Mapping of functional RFLP derived markers in sugarcane (Saccharum sp.) / Mapeamento funcional em cana-de-açucar utilizando ESTs como marcadores moleculares




Sugarcane (Saccharum spp.) is the species that has the greatest economic importance in the world, as it is one of the main sources of sugar and alcohol production. Although Brazil is the biggest producer of this crop - participating with 25% of world production, the productivity levels are considered low. The acquisition of new sugarcane varieties, which are more productive and resistant to plagues and illnesses, is a lengthy process that takes years until the launching of the commercial crops. Linking map development can contribute significantly towards improvement programs, mainly in the localization of genes associated to the agronomical traits of interest. The expressed sequence tag (ESTs) database offers a chance for the construction of functional maps, which serve as a base for the Candidate-gene approach. The EST sequence project (SUCEST) of the FAPESP Genome program has already identified about forty thousand clusters that represent sugarcane genes. In this way, EST mapping can be led by the restriction fragment length polimorfism (RFLPs) analysis using the ESTs as hibridization probes. In view of the advances that will be reached in sugarcane genetic improvement with the exploration of the information contained in the EST database, the aim of this project is to map ESTs related to sugarcane interest genes using them as probes in the RFLP assays in a lineage derived from the crossing between two sugarcane commercial crosses. The present project complements a molecular genetic mapping program; and another QTL mapping, associates the agronomics traits, using the sequences produced for the SUCEST project as markers


sugarcane plant genetics polymorphism qtl analysis cana-de-açucar mapeamento de qtl genetica vegetal polimorfismo de fragmento de restrição

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