Mapeamentos Simpléticos em Dinâmica Asteroidal / Symplectic mappings in asteroidal dynamics




In this work, we developed a symplectic mapping which allow us to study the dynamical behaviour of asteroidal resonances in the frame of the non-planar elliptic restricted three-body problem. To obtain such a mapping we combine a symplectic scheme similar to that of Hadjidemetriou (1986) together with an asymmetric expansion of the disturbing funtion (Ferraz-Mello, 1987) which takes into account the inclinations of both the perturber and the disturbed bodies (Roig et al., 1997). This mapping is applied to the 2/1 and 3/2 mean motion resonances in the asteroidal belt. We explore a wide range of initial conditions in the phase space in order to get a large number of results which allow us to make some statistical conclusions about the generation of diffusion mechanisms acting in these resonances.


integradores numéricos n-body problem: disturbing function resonances sistema solar: asteróides problema de n corpos: função perturbadora numerical integrators solar system: asteroids transformações canônicas chaos ressonâncias canonical transformations caos

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