Mapeamento de unidades experimentais com GPS: caso de estudo da Embrapa Cerrados.






ABSTRACT: The major objective of this work was to map the research units and the infrastructure available in the Embrapa Cerrados experimental farm in Planaltina, Federal District. More than 190 identities were observed and mapped through the use of GPS portable receiver with an accuracy of about five meters. The UTM coordinates obtained by the GPS were stored in a Geographical Information System (GIS) to generate polygons, lines and points of those identities. A set of these GPS coordinates were also used as the control points for georreferencing the thematic maps founds in the Atlas od CPAC )soils, slope, geomorphology, natural vegetation, forest resources and biological reserves). This study showed that the use of GPS receivers and the resources available in a GIS software package are sufficient to conduct experimental farm mappings with required precision and detail for their management.


geoprocessamento sistema de informação geográfica georeferenciamento gps fazenda experimental embrapa cerrados mapeamento geoprocessing geographic information systems pilot farms mapping

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