Mapeamento da vulnerabilidade e risco de poluição das aguas subterraneas dos sistemas aquiferos sedimentares da região de Campos dos Goytacazes - RJ




Groundwater reservoirs of high productivity and several sources of potential pollution are located in the sedimentary aquifers Barreiras, Deltaico and Embore, from the region of Campos dos Goytacazes, Rio de Janeiro State. The Aquifer Vulnerability Index - AVI methodology was applied to obtain a groundwater vulnerability map through Geographic Information Systems (GIS) procedures. A High vulnerability class and an Extreme vulnerability class were defined. The main sources of potential pollution, as petrol stations, septic tanks, agriculture areas, chemical fertilization areas, agrotoxics sectors, drainages, canals and cemeteries, were registered and mapped. The vulnerability map and the classification of the pollution sources were integrated through GIS and then, classes of high risk of pollution were defined.


sistemas de informação geografica gis aguas subterraneas vulnerability aquiferos groundwater sources of contamination aguas subterraneas campos dos goytacazes

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