Manual material handling and ergonomics work analysis in fresh tomatoes packing houses / Movimentação manual de cargas e analise ergonomica do trabalho em unidades de beneficiamento de tomate de mesa




Tomato cropping is one of the biggest Brazilian agriculture markets, that generates more than 200,000 direct jobs. Nowadays the demand for safe products increases in a very accelerated rhythm, making the post harvest beneficiary process of the agriculture products an activity with a great expansion in Brazil. The manual material handling (MMH) in the fresh tomatoes packing houses is the most frequent labor activity in the phases of beneficiary process and the one of major risk of bone-muscle system lesion to the workers. The main goal of this work was to analyze the MMH tasks in six table tomato packing house in order to contribute to the prevention of the bone-muscle disturb occurrences in them. To accomplish this six packing houses located in São Paulo state were chosen. The comprehension of the packing house general functionalities was accomplished from the application of Work Ergonomic Analyses (WEA) method. Using WEA method tools, as the systematic observations, made it possible the identification of beneficiary process phases in which the MLM was predominant. In order to evaluate the risk of bone-muscle system lesion of the workers in the selected phases of the beneficiary process where MMH was predominant, two methods were applied: the first one was the Equation Method of the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH), which is a quantitative analysis method that determines the Recommended Weight Limit (RWL) for each task. The second one was the Painful Area Diagram method, which is a subjective method where the workers indicates, through a questionnaire, the body areas which present discomfort. In all studied phases of the beneficiary process, the actual load weight manually moved overcome the NIOSH recommended weight limit (RWL). The painful area diagram identified extremely discomfort in the posterior area of the trunk, shoulders, arms and forearms, reaffirming the results obtained by the NIOSH equation


lesões por esforços repetitivos tomato packing house unidades de beneficiamento ergonomia manual material handling ergonomics work analysis tomate tomato cropping lycopersicon niosh equation armazenamento e transporte de cargas

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