Manoel Antônio Esteves : um capitalista esquecido no Vale (1850 1879) / Manoel Antônio Esteves : a capitalist forgotten in the Valley (1850 1879)


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




The study of mail allows a detailed analysis that otherwise would escape the comprehension of historiography. The objective of this work is to analyse the behavior of a coffee grower from the the Valley of the Paraiba in Rio de Janeiro State, Manoel Antonio Esteves, from 1845 to 1879, who corresponded with several people and preserved this material. From the letters received and sent, through microanalysis, we can understand a little of the reality of the Brazilian eighteen hundreds, with especial emphasis to family matters, the creation and maintenance of social networks, and the political culture that characterized the area focused here. Letters are documents that are still little explored in historiography, however they keep information capable of reproducing new interpretations of an epoch. They may furthermore reveal a lot about the long nineteenth century in Brazil.


sociabilidades correspondência capitalista cartas 1845-1879 correspondence social networks capitalist historia do brasil esteves, manoel antônio, - 1879 correspondência historiografia brasil séc. xix

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