Management accounting development in organizations: a life cycle perspective / O desenvolvimento da contabilidade gerencial nas empresas: uma perspectiva de ciclo de vida




The objective of this work was to expand the understanding of how Management Accounting develops through time in an organization, taking a life cycle stage model as reference. It is assumed that, in each life-cycle stage, the organization takes in particular characteristics and has specific information needs, which impacts its management accounting practices. Miller and Friesen (1984) life cycle model, for organizations in general, and Moores and Yuen (2001) work, that applied it to the study of Management Accounting, both based on Configuration Theory, are the main theoretical references of this work. A single case study research strategy was utilized, justified by the complexity of the theme and by a retrospective longitudinal approach. The subject of this study was a manufacturing company of over 40 years of age. The analyzed time horizon comprised a span of company history that started in 1994 and ended in 2006, the current period, in accordance to the interviews with the company professionals that were selected as participants of this research. In general terms, the observed characteristics in the identified periods were compatible with the corresponding life cycle stages descriptions as found in the referenced theory. It was possible to verify how life cycle stage evolution affects Management Accounting development within the same stage and in the transition between distinct stages. It was observed that the transition process is not necessarily linear, where a new stage establishes itself and then Management Accounting attributes are changed. The gathered evidences allowed the support of the propositions based on the Miller and Friesen (1984) studies, but only partially of those derived from the Moores and Yuen (2001) work, since not every life cycle stage was observed in this case. This work concludes with suggestions for future studies, hoping that the understanding of the Management Accounting development subject continues to grow.


ciclo de vida life cycle arquétipos contabilidade gerencial management accounting archtypes

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