Male reproductive and sexual health care in the municipality of Francisco Morato / Atenção à saúde reprodutiva e sexual masculina no município de Francisco Morato




Within the discussion field of masculinities, this dissertation introduces the path of gender notion and the concept of reproductive and sexual health concerning men, under the political theoretical perspective of collective health. It aimed to analyze the conditions of male reproductive and sexual health care in the municipality of Francisco Morato in 2004, based on the discourse of eight health care practitioners, five managers and three public health administrators. The participants, whose discourses were submitted to thematic analysis, were interviewed for data collection. The way through which the perception of gender differences builds the discourses which congregate new and old elements on mens participation in healthcare services was analyzed. It was shown that general actions, such as family planning and routine assistance, are based on a biomedical viewpoint. On the other hand, there are isolated actions which consider the peculiarities of mens life beyond their biological body, such as preventive actions in male sociability spaces and home guidance on sexuality. It was common-place among the interviewees the discourse that men use health services selectively, less frequently than women, especially regarding primary health care. In consonance with several authors, this study revealed that men look for health services when they are afflicted by more serious health problems and /or as participants in some specific health programs which became available to them or to their families. The link between the increase in mens participation and the incentive to their presence promoted by Family Health Program (FHP) was unequivocal. This increase generated some efforts from the part of the interviewees to attract male users to health care centers showing that the subjects of this research realize that they have certain of these male characteristics in their private reality and also the existence of very few organized collective spaces where health care could be discussed. In conclusion, this dissertation emphasizes the need for further formulation and implementation of proposals which take into consideration the different morbidity and mortality profiles in the municipality


assistência integral à saúde identidade de gênero men gender identity comprehensive health care homens saúde sexual e reprodutiva sexual and reproductive health sistema Único de saúde single health system

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