Malachite green-INT (MINT) method for determining active bacteria in sewage.


A membrane filtration method was developed to determine the proportion of active (respiring) bacteria at various stages of sewage treatment. Samples were incubated in the presence of 2-(p-iodophenyl)-3-(p-nitrophenyl)-5-phenyl tetrazolium chloride (INT) and, after fixation, passed through membrane filters. Filters were counterstained with malachite green and then were examined by bright-field microscopy. The contrast between bacteria and the filter background was greatly improved by drying and then clearing the filter before counterstaining. By this method, it was found that active bacterial fractions in raw sewage, settled sewage, and secondary effluent were 40, 29, and 58%, respectively, whereas the proportion of respiring bacteria in chlorinated secondary effluent was 6.1%. The active bacterial fraction of activated sludge was found to be 16%. The proposed method represents a significant improvement in speed and simplicity over existing methods for determining active bacteria in sewage.

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