Making difference: conjugal intimacy in homosexual male couples / Construindo a diferença: a intimidade conjugal em casais de homens homossexuais




The new century has brought meaningful changes in social, political and economical structures. In the social arena, we can notice a reconfiguration of familiar models, once bound to a nuclear and patriarchal standard, and nowadays open to several possible configurations, from among homosexual couples. The debate around such relations is getting louder and visible and its outcomes move in the political, legal, religious, moral and scientific fields. It can be noticed a relative bias either in the academic discussion or in psychological practice to search for a non-stigmatizing approach. On the other hand, scientific literature concerning this subject is scarce and national studies are even rarer. Thus, this qualitative study aimed at understanding the conjugal experience of male homosexual couples as part of the contemporary transformations on intimacy. We believe that such understanding can subsidize the planning and execution of psychological interventions designed to meet the specific characteristics and needs of this population. Six male adult homosexual couples from Ribeirão Preto with at least three years of cohabitation were interviewed. The interviews were audio-recorded, fully transcribed and submitted to a content analysis. A field diary was kept as a complementary form of data collection, in which impressions and especial events were registered. The interviews analysis shows that the process though which the couples construct their relations is marked by the search for relationship standards that either leads to a comparison to the dominant heterosexual model, or ends up in the creative development of a particular conjugal pattern. The couples report effort to negotiate the differences that emerges during the history of the relationship and that demands continuous changes. Such changes determine a transformative character to the conjugal experience. Rites developed inside the relationship works as forms of circumscribing the relations boundaries, marking time and stages and offering security once they produce a comfortable tradition. Furthermore, homosexual relationships are produced in a continuous dialogue with social instances that, often by prejudice and discrimination, constrain and isolate the conjugal experience, constituting a source of distress. In this sense, Psychology can contribute favoring the creation of dialogical contexts where these couples may find support in the construction of their relationships.


homossexualidade conjugality conjugalidade queer theory homosexuality teoria queer

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