Madeiras do agreste para uso em habitação / Wood of the agreste for use in house




In Brazil, the biggest study centers of wood species are located in the south and southeast regions. A brief study to reconnaissance of the area has been done. This dissertation discusses the possibilities and the development of wood species studies in the brazilian northeast with the purpose of being used in habitation. A technological study to characterize one of the wood species from the northeast rural area (dry area) - Mimosa Caesalpiniaefolia Benth - Sabiá, has been developed. The results obtained from the anatomical, mechanical and physical characterizations have been very satisfactory. What has been analyzed: strength to parallel and normal compression to the fibers, parallel and normal tension to the fibers, sheer and clefting. Concerning the physical characterization, the retractility and the density were analyzed. Microscopically, the plates used in order to obtain results concerning the fibers, rays and vases, were analyzed. It was possible to conclude from these studies that the species in question have positive possibilities to be applied to habitation, as well as to civil construction usage. Furthermore, we could also conclude that the wood species from the northeast agreste could be better used if there are evolution and technical support, including the possibility of reforestation.


characterization reforestation espécies de madeira do agreste habitação reflorestamento caracterização dry area wood species habitation

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