Luxlogger - autonomous system of daylight measurement of low cost / Luxlogger - sistema autônomo de medição de iluminação natural de baixo custo




The environmental issue has now created major discussions on renewable energy, being one of the major sources is the sun. However, the exploitation of its energy light has not yet been done on a large scale in countries that have such availability, such as Brazil. One reason may be the lack of a better understanding of how to make scaling of natural light. This paper proposes the development of a system of measurement of daylight, through low-cost sensors adapted for the task of measuring, and an equipment measures and storage of data, and a software that allows the discharge, recording and interpretation such data in a computer. Through this system could be considered the availability of external daylight, as well as their distribution in space constructed simultaneously.


low-cost sensor sensores equipment sistema de medição baixo custo iluminação natural measurement system daylight equipamento

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