Lupus eritematoso sistêmico: estudo qualitativo de mecanismos psicossociais adaptativos




Systemic Erithematous Lupus (SEL) is a serious disease with variable symptomatology, and whose aetiology is poorly known. It attacks conjunctive tissue in an inflammatory fashion, finally involving all the systems of the organism, simultaneously or sucessively, and is characterized by a wide variety of immunological abnormalities. SEL is included among the so-called auto-immune diseases, where, for reasons unknown, the immunological system does not recognize its own organism. This disease commonly manifests itself acompanying stressful events that, together with the history of the patients, indicate psychodinamic and psychosocial aspects peculiar to the adaptation of the individual. There are differences of opinion as to whether such patients have a specific psychic structure, as to the causes and factors leading to the appearance of the disease and as to the validity of referring to SEL as a psychosomatic disease, due to the chronic nature os the lesions. On the other hand, it is considered that the psyche cannot be separated from the soma, and that everything that happens at the somatic level has a corresponding afective significance, derived from its mode of interaction with the social environment. The objective of this study was the investigation of the psychosocial mechanisms of adaptation, whose examination was based on the declarations of persons suffering from SEL about their experiences, relating these mechanisms to the appearance and contextual conditions of the disease, with a view to assisting with medical and psychological treatment, and to a better comprehension of the disease. In this study I used a qualitative method, by way of the technique of semi-structured interviews with open questions, seeking the free expression of those interviewed, in order to get to know and interpret those senses and signifcances of the phenomena experienced by patients with SEL, with reference to psychoanalitic and psychosocial presuppostions. Five individuals were studied, four women and one man. The group of individuals studied was closed at the point where responses showed themselves to be coincident. The results obtained indicate that these persons showed similarities in their affective experiences since the beginning of the formation of their personalities, with special characteristics in the form of perception and mechanisms of adaptation to these experiences. Another important similarity is related to the accumulation of stressing events before the appearance of SEL, especially professional failure, disturbed afective relationships, or loss, due to the death of a loved one. It should be noted that the significance of such events is that of loss and afective failure for such persons. Therefore, this study shows that SEL may serve the psychic adaptive system of the individual, based on many secondary gains, so that there may be a salvation of affective experiences, justifying the adaptability model of these persons in the management of their own lives, before the appearance of the disease in itself.


psicossomática psychosomatic adaptaçâo psicossocial. psychosocial adaptation lúpus eritematoso sistêmico (les) psicologia systemic erithematous lupus (sel)

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