Love and revelation in teaching dialagica: dialogue between Paulo Freire and Juan Luis Segundo / AMOR E REVELAÇÃO NA PEDAGOGIA DIALÓGICA: DIÁLOGO ENTRE PAULO FREIRE E JUAN LUIS SEGUNDO




This research implies an interdisciplinary approach, because it analyzes the pedagogy of an educator and a theologian thus involving different knowledge areas, such as education and theology. This study allows a deepening of teaching and theological knowledge about the theme of love, dialog and revelation. The objective this study is to deepen the relationship between theology and education and education and theology identifying the contribution of Paulo Freire and Juan Luis According to deepening the theme of love and dialog. Paulo Freire believed that the world could be transformed by problematizing education dialogical. THE dialog is based on elements as faith, love, humility, trust and hope that also part of Christian theology. Working-with the hypothesis that Freire based its pedagogy in Christian theology to deepen the pedagogy dialogical. In the thought of Juan Luis According to the disclosure is a pedagogical process of learning to learn to humans. Working-with the hypothesis that Juan Luis Second based his theology also in education. In this way there is the possibility of a comparison between the authors.(AU)


the image of god imagem de deus revelação disclosure dialog ciencias humanas love transformação processing diálogo amor

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