Localização industrial e trabalho : estudo do perfil do emprego no novo polo automobilistico do Parana




The automobile industry has been widely researched, everywhere and within various disciplines. This is so due to its social and economic importance. On the one hand, it is an industry which holds considerable share of industrial output in industrialised countries, and its production chain affects many other sectors, with backward and foreward linkages. On the other hand, auto workers s unions tend to be powerful social and political players. Moreover, the auto industry has been for long a producer of industrial organisation and industrial relations models, which influence organization in other sectors. In this connection, the automobile industry has received great attention lately, as researchers aim to understand the changes which are affecting industriallabour and labour relations. This dissertation looks into the issue of the geographical localisation of new plants and its labour implications, in the Brazilian automobile industry. A discussion of the fuctors influencing localisation is presented, and it is argued that labour cost and labour flexibility continue to exert significant influence on the assembler s choice oflocalisation. In this connection, it is empirically demonstrated that the search for cheaper and more flexible labour has contributed to the recent wave of migration of assembler investment outside the State of São Paulo, towards less industrialised states. This is possible due to the fuct that new technologies and new forms of production organisation adopted by the new automobile plants have diminished their dependency on skills which are predominantly based on experience. This opens the possibility ofhiring younger, more educated but less experienced labour. The empirical investigation comprises a comparison ofthe structure of employment and ofthe flow of employment (admission and dismissal) in the automobile industry between a brownfield - the state of São Paulo - and a greenfield - the state of Paraná. The latter has become now the second greatest automobile pole in the country, due to a large wave of investment in new assembly plants. The information on employment characteristics comes from two data basis of the Brazilian Ministry of Labour (RAIS and CAGED). The comparison takes into account the following variables: formal education and age ofthe labour force and wages. The findings of investigation reveal that the labour force employed by the automobile industry in the State of Paraná is significantly younger and has substantially more years of education than workers employed in the state of São Paulo. Nevertheless, wages paid to the former are substantially lower than wages paid in São Paulo


industria - localização emprego industria automobilistica

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