Local innovation system: a case study of municipality of Sobral-CE / Sistema local de inovação: estudo de caso do município de Sobral-CE




The development of a local innovation system depends on factors such as innovation, cooperation, knowledge and information. These factors gain momentum when they are supported by both public and private sectors. In the case of Sobral, educational institutions and research are fundamental to the performance of the system. The ability to innovate is mainly explained by the social, political and institutional regional and local. Was sought in this study to analyze the institutions of higher education and its relation to the generation of employment and income in Sobral, identifying partnerships, support, innovation. Was applied with the institutions of higher education of Sobral and some businesses located in the city a questionnaire prepared by the author in order to gather information about the higher education institutions and businesses. We extracted data from the Annual Social Information for the number of formal jobs in the city. Besides this information, there was research in books, websites and articles related to the topic discussed. Search results show a dependency of the municipality for a manufacturer of shoes site, we attempted to analyze this alternative form of economic development for Sobral with the implementation of a technology park in the city.


educação superior cooperation innovation cooperação sobral parque tecnológico sobral support sistema local de inovação ciencias sociais aplicadas apoio higher education local system of innovation inovação technology park

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