Locais de preparação e comércio de cachorro-quente: avaliação higiênico-sanitária e o ponto de vista do consumidor / Hot dog preparation and selling: hygienic-sanitary evaluation and consumers perception




Food safety is a relevant public health issue, since contaminated food is a risk factor for the population, representing expressive economic losses for companies and consumers. This research aimed to diagnose the business of purchasing and consuming hot dogs sold on the streets of Viçosa-MG, its hygienic-sanitary conditions, consumers perceptions regarding quality of this type of food and reasons for consumption. To meet the objectives of this study, the socioeconomic profile of hot dog consumers was assessed by means of interviews and questionnaire, based on the following variables: sex, civil status, number of children, age range, schooling level and family income. Consumers were also asked about their consuming habits and levels of perception of the hygienic-sanitary conditions of the mobile hot dog vendor carts. Besides, hygienic- sanitary conditions were observed and evaluated, with the purpose to fill out a check-list to verify adequacy to the Good Practices of Manufacturing. Microbiological analysis using total count of aerobe mesophyll Staphylococcus aureus and total and fecal coliforms were also carried out to detect possible contamination of the food investigated. Based on data analysis, it could be inferred that most consumers of this type of street food were single males under 30, high school graduates or with incomplete college education, and family income less than five minimum wages, Most of the hot dog consumers in Viçosa-MG were found to buy this food from hot dog vendors, and perceived as good the hygienic sanitary conditions of the hot dog vendor carts. Such carts have a license to operate in the streets and a sanitary license issued by the local Sanitary Vigilance Office. Regarding the hygienic-sanitary conditions of the carts studied, in both places, the worst inadequacy observed was related to the hot dog cart equipment. The results also led to the conclusion that the hot dog samples evaluated were in compliance with the microbiological standards established by the current legislation for the microorganisms evaluated, suggesting the existence of adequate hygiene practices in the hot dog carts researched.


economia domestica alimentos vendidos na rua food safety segurança do alimento consumer food sold on the streets consumidor

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