Livros didáticos e a matemática do ginásio: um estudo da vulgata para a reforma Francisco Campos




This study analyses how Mathematics, as a school subject, developed itself within the first years of its creation, from the so-called Francisco Campos Reform, in 1931. Based on the ideas of academics such as André Chervel and Roger Chartier, among others, the study intends to answer the following question: How Brazilian school books, which have been written after the Francisco Campos Reform, organized and stabilized the Mathematics as a subject, which was created from the fusion of Arithmetic, Algebra, and Geometry. The answer to such a question points towards the appropriation of the official text, which reveals to us incorporations of the project of globally restructuring the teaching of Mathematics from the heuristic method


vulgata matematica reforma francisco campos matematica -- estudo e ensino vulgata francisco campos reform appropriation and heuristic method educacao matematica euclides roxo euclides roxo apropriação e método heurístico livros didaticos

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