Linguagens gráficas em videogame: Nascimento, desenvolvimento e consolidação do videogame como expressão gráfica / Graphic language of video games: birth, evolution and consolidation of video game as a graphic expression.




The proposal of this work is investigate the development and consolidation of the graphic language of video games, from a graphic design point of view, splitting the influence vector in three axis: history, technology and language. While the development of the video game industry shows the economy influence and the growing of the market, the evolution of technology brings the ascendency in the medium of video game, determining and giving form to its expressivity by the sintax point of view. The matureness of the graphic language od video games happens into the logic of remediation proposal by Bolter and Grusin (1999) and this influence axis, built in parallel with the other two, shows how digital midia are permeable and borrow languages from other tradicional midia, as in sintax as in semantic way, establishing its own language.


graphic language linguagem gráfica video game communication design comunicação videogame design

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