Linguagem, poesia e resistência em Vidas secas : na origem, o poder de nomear.




Vidas secas is a novel in which the theme of the drought, being a leading point in the narrative, is not restricted to the idea of drought as a natural phenomenon. In the various spheres of this work (space, time, characters, language), the same feeling of need is maintained. Fabiano and his family, bereft of the necessary means (for a decent survival), are unable to change their reality in a material way, remaining only the power to resist both to the aggressiveness of nature and of the society that oppresses them. Our aim in this work is investigating the value that language, which is one of the concerns of the novel, takes in the book. Constituted of body gestures, inarticulate guttural sounds and of the imitation of noises found in nature, the language that Fabianos family possesses, which is relatively efficient in the family domain, is not satisfactory in a kind of society whose values are structured upon the written language, from where the sertanejo, apart of the process of literacy and, consequently, of the share of goods derived from such condition of literacy, is rejected and taken to a state of social and geographical isolation. However, although their language is a reason for their social failure, it can, nevertheless, be converted into a place of symbolical resistance and indirect and silent fight against oppressive forces, since it allows individuals to re-signify the world by the power of naming, a linguistic strategy that, being present in the biblical myth of Adams language which allowed the conclusion of Gods creation in terms of naming creatures makes itself historically concrete through a percepção primordial directed to the language (BENJAMIN, 1984, 1992). Making use of this power, the characters of Vidas secas convert the language into a space of questioning reality and a privileged stage towards a symbolical transformation of the world through poetic language, which allows us to comprehend this novel as a romance de tensão transfigurada (BOSI, 2003). Thus, the anthropologically embedded desire of satisfying the needs and the poetic will of creating a new universe, controlled by the experience of the possible life, is compared to an epic attempt of describing reality in its coarseness and the insatisfaction of the characters, derived from living in a world which is indifferent to the ideal of homem total (FISCHER, 1976). Walter Benjamins theory of language, the literary theory and criticism texts about Graciliano Ramos work will help us to lead this research.


vidas secas linguagem literatura brasileira nomeação vidas secas poetry poesia language naming process

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