Limnologia da barragem de acauã e codeterminantes socioeconômicos do seu entorno : uma nova interação do limnalogo com sua unidade de estudo




The main objective of this dissertation is to describe the limnological co-determinatives variations in temporal (monthly) and spatial (vertical/horizontal) scales of the Acauã reservoir by diagnosing its current trophic state. Monthly samples were collected and analyzed between August 2004 and July 2005. They were collected in six different regions of the reservoir in order to represent all of its compartments. The samples in the dam zone were collected at different levels of light penetration: 75%, 50% and 1% from the water surface, and at the bottom; and in the other regions water was sampled just about the water surface. The analyzed variables were volume, rainfall rate, temperature, pH, electric conductivity, dissolved oxygen, alkalinity, NH3, NO3, NO2, total phosphorus and orthophosphate. To calculate the Trophic State Rate, total phosphorus concentrations, chlorophyll a and water clearness data were used. To establish the summarization of the reservoir variability statistically the data were analyzed through the Principal Component Analysis (PCA). By analyzing the amplitude of the matrix variation data, it was observed that the main source of variability of the limnological characteristics was temporal/monthly to the detriment of spatial-vertical/horizontal mainly due to the rain that determines the two characteristic climatic seasons, rainy and dry. Despite the relative homogeneity of the reservoirs spatial structure, the vertical profile in the dike zone presented a greater environmental significance than the horizontal structure and showed micro-stratifications that influence the clinograde profile of oxygen and more alkaline water in the surface. The optical structure showed a good level of transparency of the water and an extensive euphotic zone. The electrical conductivity is considered high and has increased with the rains, as the nitrogen that was 2,2 times high on the average during the rainy days in relation to the dry period. The nitrate ion was predominant as well as the total phosphorus whose highest indicators were found in the deepest part of the reservoir. The principal component analysis distinguished the temporal system based on the hydrologic period and hydrodynamic variables. As for the Trophic State Rate and considering the classification according to the chlorophyll and 24 total phosphorus indicators, the lake environment is considered eutrophic to hypertrophic in every month and season of sampling. This fact shows the influence of the sub-basin of Bodocongó, which is rich in nutrients because it drains the in-coming waters of domestic, agricultural and industrial effluents of the Borborema region. The high rate of calcium carbonate in the lake shows the saline condition of the sub-basins such as Taperoá, Monteiro and Namorados. Thus, the analyses of Acauã reservoir summarize information about the main elements that characterize the environment around its hydraulic basin, since it is the dike for the sub-basins of Paraíba River


ecologia equitatividade dominance semi-arid region regiÃo semi-Ãrida equitativity fitoplÃncton hydrologic disturbance diversity dominÃncia phytoplankton distÃrbio hidrolÃgico diversidade

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