Limitadores de potencia seletivas em frequencia usando a geração subharmonica de ondas spin em meteriais ferrimagneticos




A review of the linear and non linear theories applied to ferrimagnetic materials is presented with the objective of providing a better understanding of the phenomena occuring in Frequency Selective Power Limiters (LPSF s) operating in the coincidence and subsidiary resonance modes. In addition, it is shown that the limiters operating band pass filters when the applied input signal level is set below the limiting level. For this reason, a review of the theory of band pass filters using ferromagnetic resonators is also presented. An existing theory for predicting the behavior of LPSF s with signal levels above the limiting level is introduced and compared with experimental results. In addition, it is in the coincidence mode behave as two prototypes were designed, built and tested. One of them consisted of two striplines one perpendicular to the other, and coupled by means of two Y.I.G spheres. These spheres were conveniently biased in order to allow operation in the coincidence mode. The other prototype was obtained by means of an integration of a Y.I.G sphere with a microstripline. The bias of the sphere was adjusted in order to provide operation in the subsidiary resonance mode. For the characterization of the devices built series of tests were accomplished in order to obtain curves of output versus input power and the dependence of the frequency of (a). the insertion loss; (b) the small signal supression due to a strong signal; (c) the amplitudes of two strong signals; and (d) the amplitudes of the third and fifth order intermodulation products. A comparison between the experimental and theoretical results reveals a good agreement between the theory and the experiment


materiais ferriferos materiais ferromagneticos ressonancia magnetica materiais magneticos

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