Light-Induced Growth Promotion by SPA1 Counteracts Phytochrome-Mediated Growth Inhibition during De-Etiolation1


American Society of Plant Physiologists


Previous evidence has suggested that SPA1 is a signal transduction component that appears to require phytochrome A for function in seedling photomorphogenesis. Using digital image analysis, we examined the time course of growth inhibition induced by red light in spa1 mutants to test the interpretation that SPA1 functions early in a phyA-specific signaling pathway. By comparing wild-type and mutant responses, we found that SPA1 caused an increase in hypocotyl growth rate after approximately 2 h of continuous red light, whereas the onset of phyA-mediated inhibition was detected within several minutes. Thus, SPA1-dependent growth promotion began after phyA started to inhibit growth. The action of SPA1 persisted for approximately 2 d of red light, a period well beyond the time when the phyA photoreceptor and its influence on growth have both decayed to undetectable levels. Also, SPA1 promoted growth for many hours in the complete absence of a light stimulus when red-light-grown seedlings were shifted to darkness. We propose that SPA1 functions in a light-induced mechanism that promotes growth and thereby counteracts growth inhibition mediated by phyA and phyB. Our finding that spa1 seedlings do not display growth promotion in response to end-of-day pulses of far-red light, even in a phyA-null background, supports this interpretation. Combined, these results lead us to the view that the rate of hypocotyl elongation in light is determined by at least two independent, opposing processes; an inhibition of growth by the phytochromes and a promotion of growth by light-activated SPA1.

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