Life cycle inventory of the offset paper produced in Brazil. / Inventário do ciclo de vida do papel offset produzido no Brasil.




The Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) is a tool for the environmental management which identifies its aspects and evaluates its environmental impacts related to the products during its whole life cycle. In other words, a cycle that goes from cradle to grave. The life cycle begins when all the required resources (material or energetic) to manufacture a certain product are extracted from the nature and it ends after accomplishing its function, returning to the environment. Due to the amount of data to be collected, a study of the life cycle assessment is only viable in case there is a national data base available formed by inventories of the main input used by the society, such as raw material, energy, and so on. These inventories have a regional and representative character, allowing new studies to be fuller, more reliable and easier to be concluded. The LCA has taken on a world wise importance. Brazil has been improving its competence and usage of such technique. The GP2 - Preventing Pollution Group from the Chemical Engineering Department of Escola Politécnica at USP - has as its primal objective the contribution to an improvement of necessary Human Resources and the consolidation of the LCA usage. In this manner, GP2 activities have to be focused on a data base construction, which should be compulsorily adequate to the regional conditions. The present study is inserted in such line of research and has as its purpose the elaboration on a Life Cycle Inventory (LCI) for the offset paper made in Brazil. The offset paper belongs to the printing paper category and, lately, represents the most used type of paper in this country. The result of such study consists in a solid inventory of the environmental aspects considered meaningful for wood production, cellulose extraction, offset paper manufacture and other related subsystems under typical predominant technological conditions in Brazil. The quality of this study is significantly related to the production chain of the offset paper, which was based mainly on primary data. The results of this study showed to be coherent to the ones achieved in a Chilean study, even though they were partial results. A more refined analysis on the pursued results in the study, based on international researches, isn t necessary, considering the technological differences and raw material used in the paper life cycle in other countries.


life cycle assessment (lca) sustainable development avaliação do ciclo de vida (avc) inventário offset paper industrial pollution (prevention) gestão ambiental inventory papel offset environmental management poluição industrial (prevenção) desenvolvimento sustentável

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