Liderança e gestão de pessoas: Um Estudo de Caso sobre a eficácia do treinamento em instituição financeira de grande porte




The main objective of this work is to analyze how knowledge, skills and behaviors connected to human resources management and leadership theories learned in trainning classes, auto-instructional trainning, technical lectures and specialized magazines are understood and used by middle-managers in major banks, specially in day-by-day branches activities. The case study was focused on companies attendance specialized middle-managers in São Paulo, Brazil. It was made qualitative and quantitative analysis to detect an effective correlation between questions and variables, by means of a quizz to the target market, based on theoretical knowledge of Knowledge Management, Human Resources Management and Management Skills Training and Development. More than understanding and use of knowledge, this study has detected the need of value and motivating middle-managers to seek of this kind of knowledge by means of participation in trainings and by reading specialized articles, since more than sixty percent of target market managers had informed that they do not know the available trainings and articles related to leadership and human resources themes. It also concludes that there is a tendency, at least by the employees that had answered the quizz, of evaluating their own managerial performance better than their superiors managerial performance. The strictness of superiors evaluation increases when the employees had more demanding tasks


pessoal -- treinamento liderança gestao do conhecimento lideranca administracao administracao de pessoal human resources management gestão de pessoas leadership

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