Lições de Botânica: um ensaio para as aulas de ciências




The present work aims to investigate and understand the approaches between science and literature, and between scientific language and literary language, their relations with teaching and learning in science, and the possible activator role of the literary text in the learning of scientific subjects in the basic education. For such a way, it uses the play Lição de Botânica, from Machado de Assis, as a conductor line of the research, from which it generates questions to the theoretical discussion, and pathways to the empirical research. Such research, implemented with classes of 6a series of fundamental teaching in a public school in Macaé RJ, consists of the presentation of the play to the pupils, discussion with them about the play, written activities, and construction of a herbary. The written activities, carried through before and after the presentation of the play, include questionnaires of open questions and tasks that request from the pupils reflection and analysis about the play and, in particular, about aspects related with the botany and its language and, still, about the own scientific activity. Among the mobilized theoretical references, the considerations of the Circle of Bakhtin on language are distinguished, over all the notions of exotopy and heteroglossia. The developed reflections are traced through two axes - Science and Literature, and Language and Learning - involving aspects related to different languages, to history of biology and botany, and to the production of language and meanings by the pupils, inserted in their dynamic of learning.


linguagem científica macaé (rj) linguagem literária escola pública ensino e aprendizagem de ciências ensino fundamental educacao

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