Licenciaturas : diferentes olhares na construção de trajetos de formação




The articulation between the pedagogical content subjects and specific content ones in licentiateship courses - problem of this study, emerged from my practice as a teacher of Didactics, Education Methodology and Education Practice in the Geography course. The teachers who work with specific content subjects, in many situations, do not see the importance of the pedagogical content subjects in their courses. On the other hand, teachers of pedagogical content subjects realize that most students do not master the specific contents of their area. Intending to contribute to the debate of these questions, the objectives of this study are analyzing the conceptions of the teachers formation of the licentiateship courses in Mathematics, History, Geography, Letters and Biology and delineating the problem of the teachers formation in a public university of Paragon State, The theoretical and methodological orientation was based on qualitative approach. The data that were extracted from semi-structured interviews and documents - subjects plans, political-pedagogical projects of the courses and notes in a logbook, allowed me a reflection on the role of the university teacher, initial and uninterrupted formation, articulation of specific contents and pedagogical contents subjects, conception, comprehension and importance of the formation and the integration between theory and practice. Six out of the nine teachers subjected to the research working th specific content subjects and three teachers work with pedagogical content subjects in the licentiateship courses already mentioned. In general, the testimonies of the teachers interviewed and the documentation analyzed reveal difficulties in realizing the articulation possibilities between specific content and pedagogical content subjects. In my understanding, the fact that they develop their teaching action in function of their formation model that influences their conception of teacher formation contributes for this occurrence. Several researchers of the education area emphasize the importance of understanding our conceptions about the education and learning process of the subjects which we work with, as wet! as the process of construction of our profession as teachers of superior education, through reflection. The formation of the subjects of the research, as professionals of Education, occurred predominantly by the model of technical rationality, what influenced his way of being a teacher and educating. The idea that to be teacher "having content is enough", that is, dominating the area of the specific knowledge to be taught, applying "theoretical" knowledge in "practical" activities in a totally disarticulated way is present in some talks. It s important to emphasize that, facing the demands of contemporarity, it is up to us, university teachers, to question about the challenge presented to us, teachers formers. By trying to respond to these questions, first of all, we would like to emphasize that it is still necessary to revise the conceptions and postures about the teaching formation. For this, it is important to realize a deep study of the present educational policies and it must be articulated to the curricular directive of Primary and Secondary school in all modalities, so that the teacher preparation is understood in its complexities and multideterminations. This study emphasizes the importance of thinking about a project of formation of education professionals articulating the specie and pedagopcal formation as well as the primary and secondary school inserted in a wider institutional project with the University, in which the culture of the teaching professionalization is more consistent and that the teacher preparation is understood in its complexities and muitideterminations. The great contribution of this work for the teaching formation at UNICENTRO consists exactly in the "provocation" to reflect not only upon the preparation that we have been realizing, but fundamentally on the reconstruction of our formation proposal. In this way, we emphasize the contribution of "Projeto Didática em Ação - PRODEA", that since the beginning of 2001, has been offering courses, speeches, panel discussions and pedagogical advisory to teachers of superior education, constituted also as a space for reflections and discussions about the questions of university teaching involving teachers of several areas. I consider this project to be one of the possibiiities for studies and discussions regarding licentiateship and our role as teachers formers. However, it is important to clarify that this proposal, result of this research, has individual scope and I understand that the teacher formation in licentiateship courses is part of the institutional project of UNICENTRO and this reflection must be realized collectively.


licenciatura curriculos ensino integrado pratica de ensino professores

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