Levels of irrigation and potassium doses applied by drip irrigation in cultivation of banana for the region at the Apodi plateau-CE / Níveis de irrigação e doses de potássio aplicados por gotejamento na cultura da bananeira para a região da Chapada do Apodi-CE




The region at the Apodi plateau in northeastern Ceará, has been increasing in recent years as a major pole production and marketing of tropical fruits of the state and also in northeastern Brasil, especially as regards the banana plant irrigated agribusiness. In this region the Prata anã varieties, Pacovan and rata Graúda (Pacovan Apodi) are the most planted by companies and producers who market their products according to local consumers and neighboring states. The varieties of the Cavendish group for export, such as Nanica and Nanicão are also present in growth, especially with large multinational companies. In this work it was objectified to study the effect of irrigation levels and doses of potassium applied for dripping in the aspects of vegetative development, nutrition of the plants, in the productivity and the quality of the fruits of the banana tree Pacovan Apodi, as well as evaluating the efficiency of the use of the water for the banana tree in the local of soil and climate conditions. The experiment was carried out from March 2006 to September 2007 in the experimental field of Enterprise FRUTACOR, the partnership with of the Department of Agricultural Engineering of the UFC and Institute CENTEC-FATEC/LN, which is located in the District of Irrigation Jaguaribe-Apodi (DIJA) located in the municipality Limoeiro do Norte, Ceará State, whose geographical coordinates are 5o10’38”south latitude, 38o00’21” of longitude west of Greenwich and altitude of 144.6 m. We used the experimental design of randomized blocks in parcels subdivided with three replications. The treatments resulted from the combination of five levels of irrigation and four levels of potassium. The irrigation levels were L1, L2, L3, L4 and L5, equivalent to 50%, 75%, 100%, 125% and 150%, respectively, the average water slide evapotranspired the banana, some in two lysimeters with drainage a plant in the center. The doses of potassium were 0,00; 0,406; 0,947 and 1,353 kg of K2SO4 (potassium sulphate) per plant in the cycle, respectively, K1, K2, K3 and K4. The fertigations were performed weekly from the second month after planting a set Venturi. Reference evapotranspiration (ETo) was determined using data from a weather station installed automated Campbell CR 23X in the experimental area, from the equation of Penman-Monteith FAO 56 ET in the REF. The total volumes of water consumed in liters cycles were 7772,66 and 6329,07 liters, with an average of 30,48 liters day-1 (5,08 mm day-1) and 29,03 liters day-1 (4, 84 mm day-1) for the plant-mother and plant-daughter, respectively. The average values of Kc for the different stages of development of culture (beginning, middle and end), were respectively, 0,67; 1,30 and 1,02, in the first cycle of culture, and 1,09; 1,21 and 0,71 for the second cycle of culture. The leaf area index only tended to increase with increasing water depth. The concentration of potassium in the leaves of the plant was not significantly influenced by levels of irrigation (the plant-mother, an average of 27,0 g kg-1) and showed a linear increase with the dose of potassium (plant-daughter, n average of 30,08 g kg-1). Among the morphological parameters of development of the plants studied, the number of sheets issued (average of 34,82 leaves/cycle) and leaf emission rate (average of 5,74 leaves/months) had similar behavior and no statistical significant effect treatments performed. But the other parameters (circumference of the stem length and width of the 3rd leaf, and total leaf area), all showed significant effects only at levels of irrigation adopted and had averages of 98,7 cm; 85,4 cm; 235, 7 cm and 15,2 meters respectively. The yield was influenced by the treatments tested and found higher values of weight without the stalk of the bunch were: 31,91 kg in the treatment L3K4 (plant-mother) and 42,12 kg in L5K4 (plant-daughter), with an average overall 30,49 kg in two cycles of cultivation. The efficiency of water use depending on the levels of irrigation behavior was decreasing with increasing amount of water applied at different levels of potassium tested. The quality of the fruit on the concentration of potassium and soluble solids in the pulp was not affected by treatments performed, which only occurred in their physical parameters. The volumes of water applied and the maximum productivity of the culture in different doses of potassium were, respectively, (a) light-water culture for K2: 10492 L/plant per cycle and 54,51 ton/ha; (b) light-water culture to K3: 12069 L/plant per cycle and 57,17 ton/ha and (c) light-water culture for K4: 9711 L/plant per cycle and 61,00 ton/ha.


bananicultura irrigação fertirrigação banana plant engenharia agricola fertirrigation irrigation

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