Leitura em inglês no ensino médio: uma análise da atividade de leitura na escola e sua relação com a comunicação mediada por novas tecnologias / Reading in English in high school: an analysis of the reading in the school and its relations with the communication mediated by new technologies




The focus of this research is on literacy practices and literacy events observed for the teaching of reading in English in two high schools (a private one and a public one). Analyzing several excerpts of exercises, fragments of the interviews held with the teachers as well as the answers of the students to a questionnaire, we have identified similar conceptions of language and education in both schools. We have also observed regularities related to the curricular learning paradigm that dominates both institutions, as well as contradictions between the practices developed inside the school and the practices that take place out-of-school, through an interactive learning paradigm enabled by information and communication technologies. A qualitative approach is adopted as well as the procedures that belong to ethnographic research, since the instruments are best suitable to the objectives proposed by a research that requires participation and observation about literacy practices and events that take place in the classrooms. The data collected and triangulated supplied information to interpretive analyses through the lenses of a sociological perspective developed in the 1990s known as Critical Literacy, an approach to literacy designed under the umbrella term of New Literacy Studies. We also use the concept of Multiliteracies, which focuses on two key aspects of contemporary societies: first, the interaction of cultural and linguistic boundaries within and between societies and second, multimodality, multiple modes of meaning making: linguistic, visual, auditory among other semiotic media that are an increasing tendency in texts mediated by new technologies. We have observed similar literacy practices and events in both institutions indicating that conventional conceptions of education and language that have been used to the teaching of reading in English do not correspond to the needs of a networking society that integrates globally the production and distribution of words, sounds and images interactively. The research analyses indicate the need of a revision in the concepts of reading, learning, language and knowledge that have been used in schools in order to re-structure and adequate the practices to the demands of a post-industrial society based on information and communication technologies.


multiletramentos língua inglesa tecnologias de informação e comunicação critical literacy information communication technology english language multiliteracies reading letramento crítico leitua

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