Lei branca e justiça negra : crimes de escravos na comarca do Rio das Mortes (Vilas Del-Rei, 1814-1852)




This work investigates the question of crimes committed by slaves in the villages of São João del Rei and São José del Rei, in the county of Rio das Mortes, during the first half of the XIX Century. By considering different aspects, such as the composition of the slave community and its relation with the local society, we fucuss the possibility that the crimes committed by these subjects may translate specific codes of justice, derived from values and notions of right which, though reworked under the conditions of captivity, were marked by the memory of Africa. The sources which support the investigation are: criminal entries, post-mortem inventories, parochial registries of baptisms; entry books by the Brotherhood of Nossa Senhora do Rosário in São João del Rei, administrative correspondence between the local authorities (Justice of the Peace, Justice of Rights and police delegates) and the President of the Province of Minas Gerais; province reports; reports by the Ministry of Justice; the periodical Astro de Minas; the 1830 Criminal Code of the Empire; Criminal File Codes of the Empire of Brazil, dated 1832


justiça identidade escravidão

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